Plants and Butterflies
🦋 "Nature always wears the colors of the spirit." 🦋 Ralph Waldo Emerson 🌸 Alge's Designs BoM for Lelutka EvoX : ☞ "Lune" Face Tattoos...

🐉 Around the World at SWANK Event : 🐲 ☞ PAIX - "Luxurious Vibes" Eyeshadows BoM for Lelutka EvoX ☞ Magnetic - Asian Folding Fan...

🌼 Boho Chic at SWANK Event : 🌺 ☞ PAIX - "Gothic Prisinor" Eyeshadow 16 Shade Palette BoM for Lelutka EvoX ☞ PAIX - "Divine Feminine"...

⭐️ Hollywood Glam at SWANK Event : ⭐️ ☞ FlowerDreams - "Ada" Dress Sequin with Ostrich & 12 Textures HUD ☞ Magnetic - "Audrey" Handbag...

🐠 "Renew yourself" with SWANK Event : 🐟 ☞ { wren's nest } - "Rhonda" Shape on Bento Lelutka EvoX Raven ☞ Alge's Designs - BoM Eyes...

🌹 "Renew yourself" with SWANK Event : 🌹 ☞ Heartsdale Jewellery - "Designers Choice Collection Deux" Jewelry Set ☞ Alge's Designs - BoM...