"Recognise the beauty in your authentic self." ღ ღ ღ "ArualBlues Collection" Jewelry Set "Royal Tiara" by Zuri Rayna Jewelry ღ ღ ღ "Le...

"Wear a crown of flowers on your head. Let its roots reach your heart." Kabîr ღ ღ ღ "Le Azalee" Eyeshadows "Shayanne" Lips by Alge's...

"Simplicity is the soul of modern elegance." Bill Blass ღ ღ ღ "Xaron" Eyeshadows "Shayanne" Lips by Alge's Designs ღ ღ ღ "Egyptian Elite"...

"She is fire and ice. You will fear the cold and crave the burn." ღ ღ ღ "Ice Colors" Face & Chest Makeup - Alge's Designs ღ ღ ღ "Doris"...

"Whoever lets himself be led by the heart will never lose his way." ღ ღ ღ "Egyptian Elite" Jewelry Set - Zuri Rayna Jewelry "Anubis"...

"The mind is everything what you think you become." Buddha ღ ღ ღ "Le Chinese" Eyeshadows by Alge's Designs ღ ღ ღ "Vera" Lipstick by ALMA...

"A world to be born under your footsteps ..." Saint-John Perse ღ ღ ღ "Chloe" Asymmetrical Dress, in many colors, with Long Gloves and...

"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." ღ ღ ღ "Painting" Eyeshadows - Alge's Designs "Le Lips Qork" Lipstik - Alge's Designs...

Freak Threat
"Every Day is Halloween isn't it ? For some of us." Tim Burton ღ ღ ღ "Freak Threat" Makeup by Alge's Designs ღ ღ ღ "Finesse" Tatto by...

Akeshia Succubus
"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." ღ ღ ღ "Akeshia Succubus" Outfit, in many colors including Wings and Tail...

"La moda debe ser natural y divertida." Carolina Herrera ღ ღ ღ "Gia" Jewelry Set - Zuri Rayna Jewelry "Melania" Eyeshadows - Alge's...

"Always dress well but keep it simple." ღ ღ ღ "Peyton" Dress with Shoes, in many colors by ALLURE COUTURE ღ ღ ღ "Le Lips Qorck" Lipstick...

"Du noir naît la lumière." Coco Chanel ღ ღ ღ "Neon" Lips - Alge's Designs "Le Garde" Eyeshadows - Alge's Designs

"Fashion is supposed to be light and not try too hard." Carine Roitfeld ღ ღ ღ "Designers Choice" at SWANK : "Tara" Gown by Nile Karas -...

Shadows Saba
"The shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light." Ram Dass ღ ღ ღ SWANK Around The World : "Shadows Saba" Eyeshadows -...